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#1: [闲聊]圣诞节临近了,你有没有感到了它的气氛逼人来? (2526 reads) 作者: 蓝山Skywalk 文章时间: 2012-11-12 周一, 15:37
作者:蓝山Skywalk海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com



通常每年的圣诞节,俺都不出外地,留在村里,到周围市区的名胜古迹玩游,为啥? 因为在圣诞节期间,公司放假,很多人都一家大小跑到海外旅游去了,整个市区变成了一座空城,俺喜欢在这段时间游览市区,可以不用怕拥挤,可以自由自在的东走西走逛东逛西,还有一点,是一点都不用担心找拍车位,也不要担心给违规拍车罚单。

圣诞购物,那是必不可少的了,俺看上了新出的Ipad mini,它的设计真是趋向完美,超薄,轻量,画面逼真,功能和IPAD 一样齐全,估计是今年购物的一大亮点。现在,苹果好像会垄断整个市场的手机平板电脑,前提是如果它的价格稍微调低,不是苹果走下坡而是整个市场会饱和。本年度消费者欲望是低迷的,商家趁早减价吸引顾客,这时期购物定会大有斩获。


新书方面,俺喜欢的书系列:The Wimpy Kid Diary 又有新书啦,The third wheel. 俺每一集都不会放过的,俺觉得这小说的电影版输给了原版故事。

2012 年 就要过去了,一整个年可以说是毫无突出表现,伦敦奥运普通的太平常,与邻邦小日吵架不断的升级,美国选举闷的发慌,八卦新闻都是情色小说翻版,整个年都很二,不是吗?2012 ,前是2 ,后是2,,,不过也好,十八大是发达的,过去一届就麻麻虎虎的了,十七大是气大的,,,




no more champagne
and the fireworks are through
here we are, me and you
feeling lost and feeling blue
its the end of the party
and the morning seems so grey
so unlike yesterday
nows the time for us to say...
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have a vision now and then
of a world where every neighbour is a friend
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have our hopes, our will to try
if we dont we might as well lay down and die
you and i
sometimes i see
how the brave new world arrives
and i see how it thrives
in the ashes of our lives
oh yes, man is a fool
and he thinks hell be okay
dragging on, feet of clay
never knowing hes astray
keeps on going anyway...
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have a vision now and then
of a world where every neighbour is a friend
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have our hopes, our will to try
if we dont we might as well lay down and die
you and i
seems to me now
that the dreams we had before
are all dead, nothing more
than confetti on the floor
its the end of a decade
in another ten years time
who can say what well find
what lies waiting down the line
in the end of eighty-nine...
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have a vision now and then
of a world where every neighbour is a friend
happy new year
happy new year
may we all have our hopes, our will to try
if we dont we might as well lay down and die
you and i

作者:蓝山Skywalk海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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