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主题: 一本能打开我童年梦匣子的书 (近两个月在美国狂销)
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作者 一本能打开我童年梦匣子的书 (近两个月在美国狂销)   
所跟贴 读者评论 -- 海上人家 - (18226 Byte) 2007-5-19 周六, 00:22 (228 reads)

头衔: 海归中尉

性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2007/05/19
文章: 5

海归分: 6143

文章标题: 《剑鸟》读者评论续 (194 reads)      时间: 2007-5-19 周六, 00:23   

作者:海上人家海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

First “Eragon”, Now “Swordbird”
Another young author is hitting the big time with a published book. Nancy Yi Fan dreamt of her story when she was 11. At 13, her first book - Swordbird - is due out in February from Harper Collins - with a first printing of 50,000 copies. That is HUGE. What a great story.

Nancy Yi Fan was eleven when she began writing Swordbird. The story grew from a dream she had following class discussions of the Revolutionary War, terrorism, and 9/11. Wheeling freely through the viewpoints of multiple characters and beyond, this is the story of a society of birds in the grip of an ongoing feud. The blue jays and cardinals have been squabbling for generations, but now a tyrannical hawk is using slave-catchers to escalate the conflict in the pursuit of absolute power. When Aska of the Bluewingle tribe meets the slavebird Miltin, the resulting small steps toward freedom lead eventually to a great battle and the triumph of sacrifice and heroism. This writing has a youthful exuberance. The reach of the story is vast and courageous. Its precocious accomplishment is evident in the invention of “somebird” and “anybird” as pronouns, and in somber yet ingenuous revelations (”…every egg was bought with scars and bruises”) about the marauding hawk Turnatt’s past. Elsewhere, the writer’s age shows more plainly. Bean soup and raspberry pie overcome armed raiders. Aska exhorts the blue jays to take risks “with a determined tone in her voice.” Yet the same flat delivery renders sharply sinister the scene in which Turnatt wantonly kills a raven. Mark Zug’s black-and-white drawings repeat strategically, offering a visual underpinning to the characters and story line. In balance, even given the quirky and unpredictable nature of childhood writing, this young writer seems a natural word bird. With luck, despite her rise to early international fame, she will successfully negotiate the complex choreography of writing and life that would seem to be foreshadowed by this debut.
-Children’s Literature

This young author has a very Tolkien-esque storytelling style. Her book shows the power of friendship to overcome difficulties and portrays a desire for peace that I think every reader will be able to relate with. The characters are endearing and their struggles seem like my own as I read this creative fantasy.
- Kirsten (Great Meadows, NJ)

Stone-Run Forest is home to the tribes of Sunrise and Bluewingle. The cardinals and blue jays have enjoyed living in peaceful harmony for many seasons. When supplies and eggs begin to go missing, however, suspicions arise from both tribes that their friends are stealing from them. Soon there is tension in the air, and random raids threaten to turn into a war between the tribes. Meanwhile, birds on either side sadly wonder what could have ended the long friendship.
One day, Aska from the Bluewingle tribe is chased by a murder of crows and stumbles across a young robin named Miltin. Miltin had escaped from a torturous place called Fortress Glooming where he was forced to work as a slavebird under a hawk tyrant, Turnatt. He is seeking the help of woodbirds to rescue the slavebirds and stop the hawk’s evil plans once and for all. When Aska relays the unpleasant discovery to the rest of Stone-Run, the old friends realize they have a common enemy who has been pitting the two tribes against each other.
As the tribes begin to heal their broken friendship, they are visited by the Flying Willowleaf Theater, minstrels who have stopped by to help celebrate the Bright Moon Festival. In the midst of these festivities, however, the tribes are attacked by an army of Turnatt’s followers. Sunrise and Bluewingle are aware that they need some extra help to accomplish the mission of restoring peace to Stone-Run Forest.
They hold faith in Swordbird, the legendary hero who fights evil and restores peace to those who seek him. But there are doubts as to whether or not Swordbird is real, and, if so, whether or not he can help Stone-Run Forest before evil has the chance to prevail.
Talented young author Nancy Yi Fan wrote SWORDBIRD when she was just 11 years old and will continue to be a notable writer for many years to come. While fans of the Redwall series especially will appreciate the story, I recommend this debut novel to anyone who believes in peace.
— Reviewed by Sarah Sawtelle


“The Swordbird,” is especially notable because the author, Nancy Yi Fan, is only 12 years old; Nancy had a vivid dream one night about birds at war while she was also wrestling with her feelings about Sept. 11. She wrote the book to convey a message of peace, but she also succeeded in writing a remarkable piece of fantasy literature.
- Phyllis Peter

“Nancy Yi Fan has done a lot in 13 years.”
— Time for Kids

This book was absolutely amazing the story line, and characters.

SWORDBIRD is a great read! It’s like the air I breathe every morning when I open the windows: fresh and cool. The 12-year-old young writer, Nancy Yi Fan, drew me completely into her imaginative world with “freshly brewed acorn and dandelion tea” and the hawk Turnatt’s attitude “a woodbird egg a day will keep death away”. The book’s simple yet poetic language, its smooth and natural flow, its story structure and cliff-hangers deeply impressed me. It’s natural, plain and pure. The moral of Swordbird is strong: war hurts both parties; selflessness is powerful. Young readers can realize these between lines. I strongly recommend the book!
- John Lockhart

I always knew there was greatness inside this English as a second language learner. I was her teacher. I wondered as I read Swordbird how the author would create an ending. I was not disappointed.
-Diane Goodwin

Over the course of two nights I read Swordbird a young adult fantasy by Nancy Yi Fan. I actually stole this one from my wife’s collection. I don’t read a lot of young adult fiction or fantasies but this one was written by a young girl, eleven or twelve when she started writing it if I remember right, who came to America at an early age. I was curious to see how someone so young writing in what I believe was her second language, I could be wrong about that since it has been awhile since i heard her background, pulled off such an ambitious project.
-Travis Erwin

I am honored to make a statement about Swordbird and its remarkable 13 year-old author, Nancy Yi Fan. The more I learn about Nancy, the more I admire her. I was so impressed to find out that even though Nancy had to learn English when she moved to the US from China [at age 7], she studied so hard that she was able write an entire book in English just a few years after learning it! I am very happy that she has continued to study Chinese and was even able to translate Swordbird from English to Chinese. It always makes me sad to hear about Chinese who move overseas and leave behind their language and customs. I am so proud of Nancy for continuing to treasure our culture.
Swordbird is a story about peace, freedom, and tolerance. These are all things that are very close to my heart. When I travel throughout the world and see what happens to people because of war and violence – for example, the landmine victims in Cambodia – it breaks my heart. I know that Nancy wrote her story partly as a reaction to the events of 9/11. I’m happy that she found a way to express her desire for peace and freedom. I think that Nancy is an inspiration to a lot of people and she is proof that if you work hard and dream big, anything can happen!
- Jackie Chan
from Los Angeles, CA
March 22, 2007

At age 13, Nancy Yi Fan may be HarperCollins’s youngest author, but her fantasy novel about warring birds and their struggle for freedom is getting some adult-sized attention. As part of a five-city tour, Nancy discussed her book on Martha on February 12. There, the Audubon Society of Florida made her an honorary member, and a bald eagle from the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey was adopted in her name.
-Publishers Weekly

- 阿甲 (著名书评人)

- 梅子涵 (著名儿童文学作家)

今天的children’s literature课请来了Swordbird的作者Nancy做presentation。Nancy是个住在Floridad的中国女孩,今年12岁。年纪小小却已经是一本科幻小说的作者了,虽然真个演讲像极了中学女生的风格,但是大家都喜欢这个既聪明又谦虚的女孩,喜欢她手舞足蹈又自然亲切地讲她的写作过程。写这本书源于一个梦:喜欢观鸟的她梦见了拿着剑为自由和和平而战的鸟。因为我常身不由己夜夜做梦,再不断研究自己的梦,从她的梦我基本可以理解她的当时的心理状态,可喜的是随着这本书的出版,她的境况会大大不同往日,恐怕她是无缘再做同样的梦了,不过写作并不需要那么多梦,更多地需要勤奋和思考。谈到她正在构思的第二本书,她希望情节可以更复杂一点,读者群可以更广泛一点,而教授则认为像第一本书这样就很好了,贵在简单。我觉得只要跟自己年龄相称就好了,人在不断成熟,写作风格也会不断娴熟,作品就会水到渠成。

在美国有记者说哈利•波特和她像是孪生兄妹。她对中国的媒体说, “这本书和《哈利•波特》一点儿都不接近,我更现实”;“我写小说像玩儿”。儿化音还是那么足。

- 穆梅

VOYA Review
April 2007
The cardinals and blue jays are at war. Strangely enough, they were friends a short while ago, but accusations of egg theft made them enemies. Little did they know that sinister, one-eyed hawk Turnatt stole and ate the eggs to feed his insatiable need for everlasting life. He enlisted an avian army and they enslaved other birds to do his bidding. When the sparring birds learn about the conspiracy behind their sudden animosity, they conclude that the mythical Swordbird might be their only hope for a truce. Swordbird, a white bird and guardian of peace, can be summoned with a song and a gem. The bird tribes send delegates Aska, a blue jay, and Miltin, a robin, across the dangerous White Cap Mountains on a quest for one of the eight known Leasorn gems in existence.
Now living in the U.S., Chinese-born, first-time author Fan began writing this novel when she was twelve years old. She conjures an intricate bird cosmology and hierarchy as a background to the overall plot. The book moves swiftly form chapter to chapter with help from sheer brevity, copious action scenes, and illustrations. Novice readers will enjoy the large text and generous spacing and margins. Advanced readers can muse over the novel’s allegorical nature and literary allusions. The author provides a list of major characters to help keep up with the sizeable cast. Aficionados of Jacques’ Redwall series should enjoy this new offering to the anthropomorphized animal genre.
— Angelica Delgado.



-新华社记者 李博

這是一個活生生的 “有志者, 事竟成” 的例子! 除了因為小妮子本身好學, 具有天份和有志向之外, 看來她的父母也應記一功, 因為他們是如此尊重范禕的喜好和天份, 不但沒有阻止, 而且積極鼓勵! 更難得的是小妮子能夠如此謙虛地面對突如其來的名利! 實在令人感動和佩服!
May 9th, 2007 at 8:57 pm

联系方式:[email protected]

作者:海上人家海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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