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 首页 » 个人文集 »  theoretical(196)

     刚跟俺兄弟打了电话,上证不到1800,绝不出手。 (12 byte) 2008-08-12 10:43 (1992 reads)
     [转帖]the big pciture of housing and finacials (2601 byte) 2008-08-04 12:32 (1360 reads)
     [转帖]This paper talk about debts. Kind of (1288 byte) 2008-07-31 23:58 (1058 reads)
     只吃鱼肚,明天俺的AMGN要清仓。 (154 byte) 2008-07-28 11:31 (1264 reads)
     手里有AMGN的明天报ER前应该不要太贪了,锁利为上,如股价到69,空之。 (0 byte) 2008-07-28 10:22 (1187 reads)
     This market makes no sense (118 byte) 2008-07-23 4:43 (1425 reads)
     周末没什么事,就约了dive buddy一起去LJS潜水, (1914 byte) 2008-07-18 14:09 (4472 reads)
     做美股的童鞋周四要小心了,以保守操作法为佳。 (95 byte) 2008-07-17 14:59 (2244 reads)
     [戒急用忍 stock]拼音码字不容易啊,但还是在这儿码几行吧。 (2208 byte) 2008-07-16 14:25 (1912 reads)
     Vix is 29 now. I am buying. (0 byte) 2008-07-12 1:58 (973 reads)
     [猴吃麻花] 和莎版主的8X8抬杠 (1071 byte) 2008-07-09 12:21 (2062 reads)
     [该扯还得扯]不是我不明白 (3223 byte) 2008-07-03 14:28 (1889 reads)
     [做错了要认错]我是如何错过这一跌的。 (1007 byte) 2008-07-03 10:05 (2439 reads)
     [转帖]ADP report shows biggest job loss in nearly 6 years (1786 byte) 2008-07-03 1:24 (1120 reads)
     small bet on oil, bought [email protected] (31 byte) 2008-07-03 0:46 (1139 reads)
     Del. (0 byte) 2008-07-02 8:14 (1017 reads)
     all the way in SSO@$60.119 (7 byte) 2008-07-02 2:58 (1049 reads)
     成人版炒股奉献给酒吧 "一颗红心,两手准备"。 (1099 byte) 2008-06-21 14:28 (1791 reads)
     [交易大赛]sold 1500 share of [email protected] (43 byte) 2008-06-21 1:18 (1404 reads)
     Tim Russert passed away. Here is the link (186 byte) 2008-06-14 14:36 (1619 reads)
     Begin to long US stocks. (22 byte) 2008-06-12 3:58 (714 reads)
     [转帖]美国兰德公司对中国人的评价 (3414 byte) 2008-06-10 9:22 (4022 reads)
     [交易大赛]bought 535 share of [email protected] (0 byte) 2008-06-07 3:57 (1470 reads)
     [交易大赛] sold 155 share of [email protected] (7 byte) 2008-06-06 4:15 (1748 reads)
     [转帖]这个关于GM的文章有些意思,轻松一下吧。 (1643 byte) 2008-06-04 14:04 (1730 reads)
     [交易大赛] Bought 155 share of [email protected] (0 byte) 2008-06-04 3:28 (1239 reads)
     [交易大赛]sold 350 share of QID @ 38.41 (9 byte) 2008-06-03 3:53 (1455 reads)
     [交易大赛]Bought 350 share [email protected] (0 byte) 2008-05-31 3:50 (1697 reads)
     [交易大赛] sold 2000 share of [email protected] (67 byte) 2008-05-30 4:06 (1333 reads)
     [交易大赛]sold 400 share [email protected] (9 byte) 2008-05-28 2:39 (1607 reads)
     [交易大赛 ]sold 1000 share of [email protected] (37 byte) 2008-05-24 2:14 (1393 reads)
     [转帖] Yao's 'stingy' quake donation sparks anger (3177 byte) 2008-05-22 16:53 (715 reads)
     [交易大赛 ] 地震后比较乱,今天赶紧把作业补上 (169 byte) 2008-05-22 13:50 (1088 reads)
     [Question]Is that true the SOHU only donated 2M RMB? (42 byte) 2008-05-21 6:24 (785 reads)
     [话毒,慎入]实在是睡不安稳 (1773 byte) 2008-05-17 18:29 (3155 reads)
     As a trader, or in a nicer term, “investor”, we can do (1080 byte) 2008-05-15 2:23 (1080 reads)
     Germany donate 500,000 EU$, Japan $4,800,000, US $500,000 (312 byte) 2008-05-14 3:10 (867 reads)
     [交易大赛] Bought 299 share of [email protected] (0 byte) 2008-05-10 3:23 (1556 reads)
     Sold 282 share of [email protected] (143 byte) 2008-05-08 4:08 (1101 reads)
     [转帖]Is this a joke or Chinese is so weak today, even..... (359 byte) 2008-05-03 6:14 (1387 reads)
     282 share of [email protected] (127 byte) 2008-05-03 0:49 (933 reads)
     [转帖]ProShares First to Market with Inverse Bond ETF (4100 byte) 2008-05-02 14:41 (1143 reads)
     The worst overpaid CEOs (196 byte) 2008-05-02 9:08 (1353 reads)
     1000 share [email protected] (12 byte) 2008-05-02 1:44 (1380 reads)
     [转帖]中国首次正面要求美元停止贬值 (1232 byte) 2008-04-16 1:31 (1914 reads)
     提一句, 水手Jack的“交易新生涯”三篇有料. (0 byte) 2008-04-12 23:52 (1313 reads)
     圣火事件里有赢家吗? (879 byte) 2008-04-10 22:28 (611 reads)
     再回三毛的话:民国时的西藏和解放西藏背景 (2700 byte) 2008-04-10 11:10 (254 reads)
     回三毛的话上篇:西藏是中国一部分。 (3127 byte) 2008-04-09 9:33 (184 reads)
     强国之路--美国历年战争录。 (3759 byte) 2008-04-08 11:42 (1197 reads)
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